Research Ethics Day 2023: a chance to meet and learn from other users

Barbara Meneses
June 18, 2024

We welcomed over 40 customers in person (and 20 more virtually) for our Research Ethics Day in Birmingham. It was lovely to meet so many of our users face to face.

We’ve come back with lots of constructive feedback from our users, including how we can make the event more useful for our customers next time.

At the beginning of the session, Ashley Smith, our Customer Success Manager, got an online poll going to ask the room what they hoped to get from the Research Ethics Day.

Four key themes came up in the poll – and again in the post-event feedback form – so it’s the basis of the post below.

Customers wanted to learn from other users and share best practice

We know how much our users value learning from others like them, so we invited Sam Lewis (Senior Research Governance Manager at Keele University) to deliver a keynote talk.

She shared her expertise and experience of using Ethics RM to achieve a myriad of benefits at The University of Lincoln (in her previous role). For example, she and her colleague Hannah Aldrich adopted an integrated approach to streamline the many forms used at the university, to generate one form in Ethics RM to rule them all.

It was a great talk. Users had lots of questions afterwards and have since fed back how her talk has inspired them to try to achieve even more with Ethics RM. One delegate put it beautifully on the day:

“It’s as if Sam has descended from the heavens because we’re in the process of trying the exact same thing at our university!”

Her talk also inspired me in my role as Content Marketing Manager. I would love to capture more best practice like the stuff Sam presented and share it with the Ethics RM community. That way more users can make the product work harder for them.

We look forward to inviting more super users to share their expertise next time. Thank you Sam!

Customers wanted a sneak peak of future product developments

We’re really excited about the upcoming product developments on Ethics RM.

We presented the product roadmap to our users and reminded them about how they can suggest changes and also vote on possible new features and development.

Later in the day, Lokh Prakash, our Product Manager for Ethics RM, presented lighter touch feature developments that we’re considering implementing. He then opened up a live poll and asked users to vote for the ones they preferred.

We’re proud of the fact that we are customer-first, continually adapting and improving our products to suit customers’ changing needs. If you’d like to find out more about how we develop our products, get in touch.  

Customers wanted to hear more about how Ethics RM integrates with other software

Integrating software products is hugely important and will only become more critical over time as institutions purchase new software and demand that they integrate together.

Steve Dowse, our Product Manager for our clinical trial management system, ReDA, presented how Ethics RM and ReDA can integrate effectively.

Vydehi Chinta, our Head of Product Management, shared Infonetica’s vision for an ever more integrated future. In a nutshell, we’re working behind the scenes to further harness API technology*. Our vision is for users to have the freedom to pick the very best software solution for their specific need and be confident that their different systems will integrate seamlessly.

If you’d like to find out more about how our products integrate with other systems, get in touch.  

* API stands for application programming interface. Essentially an API allows one system to speak to a completely different system. For example allowing both systems to share data.

Customers wanted to network and meet others from the Ethics RM community

Our customers really wanted to network and meet others from the Ethics RM community. That’s one of the main reasons we organised the day and our users fed back positively about being able to do this.

We’re pleased that over 90% of those who responded to the feedback form said they will likely attend next year – that’s a real success!

A big thank you to all that came – and those who connected remotely – from all of us at Infonetica. See you next time!

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