Reporting with ReDA: visualise real-time data and build bespoke reports

Wil Flanagan
June 18, 2024

Infonetica’s clinical trial management system (CTMS), ReDA, comes with a powerful reporting feature for all users.

Virtually all the data held in the system is reportable and the reporting function is a key highlight for many of our customers.

Thanks to ReDA’s intuitive report builder, users can generate reports to meet their specific reporting needs, without any technical knowledge.

Users can also configure their data dashboard to visualise real-time data, giving them strategic oversight of key milestones.

Read below for a bit more detail and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you want to explore how we can support your organisation.

Give every user access to report building and data dashboard functionality

We believe it’s important to give all users access to report building, not just system administrators. This is often a restriction with other CTMS platforms.

With the intuitive report builder, users can pick data fields and configure multiple filters within reports to meet their needs.

Users can configure their data dashboard to generate real-time visualisation of data. For example, showing them how many participant visits have taken place or the state of study recruitment.

Schedule reports and deliver them to specific users

Users can schedule reports, for example daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly etc. and configure their delivery straight to other users.

This feature is particularly useful for our customers because they can schedule the automatic delivery of reports to relevant stakeholders such as study sponsors.

Export data for further analysis and integrate with other software

With ReDA users can export the data in multiple formats to allow subsequent analysis as well as integration with standard analytical software. Export filetypes include XLSX, XML, PDF, DOC.

Easily manage user access to data

System administrators can restrict and grant users’ access to data reports, modifying access at any time.

This is a useful feature for our customers because system administrators can create standard reports and share them with a range of users without needing to define user-access, saving on administrative time. The report will automatically filter out data that the user shouldn’t see.

Report on aggregated data as well as individual totals

ReDA can collect and report on aggregated data as well as display individual totals relative to a category such as participant ID or study site.

Get in touch

Find out how we can support your organisation. Give us a call and book a demo.

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